Prospective Students

My research agenda encompasses campus climate, academic success, and equity in education, focusing on how perceptions of campus environments affect anxiety and academic competence among college women, particularly from minoritized backgrounds. My work highlights the detrimental effects of systemic inequities on academic confidence. Additionally, I explore strategies to enhance belonging among BIPOC students through mentorship and community engagement. In the realm of social justice and mental health, I address systemic oppression in counseling education, advocating for culturally relevant mental health services for Latin(x), Black, and Native American/Indigenous students. My work on racism proposes womanism as a framework for understanding allyship and liberation, linking it to antiracism and social justice discussions. My research aims to cover three key areas that create supportive educational environments and promote equitable public health policies, reinforcing the interconnectedness of these critical issues.

  • Campus Climate, Academic Success, Equity in Education, and Student Belonging

  • Social Justice, Mental Health, Public Health, and Community Action in Counseling Education:

  • Womanism, Gendered Racial Prejudice, and Racism

Applying to CU Denver:

At the University of Colorado Denver, we offer a CACREP master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health or School Counseling. Students are required to apply through the official admission process. A major component of the CU Denver Counseling program is the clinical internship. Students applying to the program should be prepared to complete direct clinical hours for licensure. Therefore, because research is not a major part of the master’s degree, students admitted to the program may apply to work on research in my lab. Students interested in research are aware that this is in addition to the program requirements. Most students interested in this route are considering doctoral programs after graduation. CU Denver does not currently offer doctoral or undergraduate programs or certificates. Therefore, I do not serve as chair or co-chair on any doctoral dissertations.

To maintain fairness in the admission process, I do not meet with graduate students prior to the interview/admission stage. I give careful and full consideration to every applicant who lists me as a potential faculty they hope to work with. I look forward to reading your application.

Check the CU Denver Counseling Admissions Page for Updates and Deadlines: